Biology 461 - Fall, 2002 - Invertebrate Zoology - Professor Eernisse - Fieldtrip Image Index

Browse by Date (Schedule Here):

September 18, 2002, Cruise on RV Yellowfin, off San Pedro, Los Angeles Co., CA

October 5-6, 2002, Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve, Big Sur coastline, Monterey Co., CA
October 7, 2002, Polychaete Hunting, Upper Newport Bay and Shaw's Cove, Orange Co., CA

Nov. 2-4, 2002 (under construction):
UC Kenneth S. Norris Rancho Marino Reserve near Cambria,
UC Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve near Big Sur,
Monterey Bay Aquarium
For directions, see: Rancho Marino Reserve, Big Sur Highway, or Big Creek Reserve (1 - 2 - 3),
with stops near Morro Rock (Chapula Market ), Mill Creek, and Monterey Bay Aquarium

Nov. 2-4, 2002, Abalone Cove, Palos Verdes, Los Angeles Co., CA (under construction)

Weather and Tide Predictions Here (from Biol. 317 Marine Biology Links)

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Web page created 10/12/02, last modified 11/16/02 © D.J. Eernisse Baja Fieldtrips Shaw's Cove Fieldtrips Dana Pt. Fieldtrips Crystal Cove Fieldtrips Little Corona Fieldtrips Upper Newport Bay Fieldtrips Bolsa Chica Fieldtrips Aquarium of the Pacific Fieldtrips Yellowfin Fieldtrips Cabrillo Aquarium Fieldtrips Abalone Cove Fieldtrips Catalina Id. Fieldtrips Monterey County Fieldtrips Leo Carillo SP Fieldtrips