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Online Course for Teachers: Teaching Evolution

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SESSION 6: How Can You Address Student Misconceptions about Evolution?

Evaluate Part B: Observing Students Working

Students in Ken Bingman's class.

Ongoing assessment helps teachers identify where students need help. Watch this Evolution Case Study video segment of students in Mr. Bingman's class presenting their work.

Then note your responses to these questions:


What other assessment techniques could Mr. Bingman have used during this activity?


What inaccuracies, incomplete knowledge, and misconceptions are evident?


How can Mr. Bingman use students' work to assess the effectiveness of the lesson and to plan future lessons?


What could Mr. Bingman do next?

Bingman Student
Work Presentation

View in:
QuickTime | Real Player

Now watch this Evolution Case Study video segment of student discussion in Ms. Havlik's class.

Then note your answers to these questions:


What evidence of student learning/understanding or misconceptions is there in this interaction? Why do you think that?


What are other ways to assess student understanding during this activity?


What other assessment techniques could Ms. Havlik have used for this lesson?


What inaccuracies, incomplete knowledge, and misconceptions are evident?


How can Ms. Havlik use students' work to assess the effectiveness of the lesson and to plan future lessons?


What could Ms. Havlik do next?

 Image of students in Marilyn Havlik's class

Havlik: Sickle Cell
View in:
QuickTime | Real Player


Facilitator Notes 5 and 6


Next: Evaluate Part C: Analysis

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