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Online Course for Teachers: Teaching Evolution

About this Course 

 SESSION 5: How Did Humans Evolve? Is Evolution Still Happening?

Explore the evolution of humans, including the two major adaptive advantages -- bipedalism and big brains -- as well as the significance of evolution in human lives today.


List of useful evolution resources about this topic.

Learning Goals:

At the end of this session you will be familiar with:
• Fossil evidence for human evolution

• Major fossil groups: Australopithecines, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and Homo sapiens modern and present

• Molecular evidence for human evolution

• The genetic relationship between humans and our closest living relatives

• Major characteristics selected for in hominid evolution -- bipedalism and big brains -- and the adaptive advantages of each

• Hypotheses about evolution of bipedalism

• Migration patterns of early hominids

• Coevolution of humans with microbes

• Human influence on the evolution of its own species and other organisms (modern medicine, genetically modified foods, invasive species, endangered species)

• Applications of scientific processes in different situations

Facilitator Notes for this Session

National Science Education Standards

Core Activities = Core Activities

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