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Online Course for Teachers: Teaching Evolution

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SESSION 5: How Did Humans Evolve? Is Evolution Still Happening?

Elaborate Part B: Human Biological Adaptations

As modern humans migrated to different environments, the environments challenged their ability to adapt. When the environmental conditions were constant and lasted for many generations, human populations adapted through biological evolution by natural selection.

To learn more about human biological adaptations, explore the The Palomar College Web site which has specific introductory information on climatic, altitudinal, and nutritional adaptations.

Then choose one human biological adaptations to research further. Some possibilities are lactose intolerance, skin color, climate adaptations, or sickle cell anemia. Here are a variety of resources where you can begin your investigation:

For skin color variation, read "The Biology of Skin Color: Black and White" by Gina Kirchweger.

For information on sickle cell anemia, watch the Evolution Library video segment "A Mutation Story."

For information on lactose intolerance, see the National Institute of Health Web site and the ENSI Web site.

 Image of cells.

A Mutation Story
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Summarize your findings about the biological adaptation.


Facilitator Note 2


Next: Elaborate Part C: Antibiotics and Drug-Resistant Microbes


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