Fundación Instituto Leloir, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Present position: Patient Experience, DaVita Kidney Care, Orange County, CA
Seminars, Publications, and Poster presentations: D. Carpio, A. Soler-Bistué, M.E. Tolmasky, and A. Zorreguieta. RNase P based antisense strategy to combat resistance to antibiotics in pathogenic bacteria. 2009. 21st Annual Symposium. CSUPERB. Los Angeles, CA., USA.
D. Carpio, A. Soler-Bistué, J. Joaquín, H. Ha, A. Zorreguieta, and M.E. Tolmasky. RNase P based antisense strategy to combat resistance to antibiotics in pathogenic bacteria. Dimensions 2009 11:6
C. Davies Sala, A. Soler Bistué, F. Martin, N. Vozza, D. Carpio, A. Zorreguieta, and M. Tolmasky M. Improvements in the design of non-hydrolyzable LNA/DNA antisense oligonucleotides that interfere with amikacin resistance in vivo”. 2009. 6th Conference on General Microbiology (VI Congreso Argentino de Microbiología General), organized by the Sociedad Argentina de Microbiología General (SAMIGE) Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina.
A. Soler Bistué, F. Martín, H. Ha, J. Joaquín, D. Carpio, A. Zorreguieta, and M.E. Tolmasky, M. Locked nucleic acid-containing external guide sequences induce amikacin susceptibility in Escherichia coli harboring aac(6’)-Ib. 2009. 109th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Philadelphia, PA.
A. Soler Bistué, C.G. Davies Sala, D. Carpio, A. Zorreguieta, and M.E. Tolmasky. Optimization of LNA/DNA co-oligomers as EGS inducers of mRNA degradation by RNase P: an alternative strategy to deal with antibiotic resistance. 2010. 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. San Diego, CA.