
























Tripoplax trifida (Carpenter, 1864)

unidentified nemertean

These are neogastropod egg capsules, possibly from the Nucella canaliculata in the next images.
-- see here.
Nucella canaliculata (sequences: de4235)

Henricia sp. (also next five images; retained by A. Gale for study)


Henricia sp. (also next three images; retained by DJE for study)

Tentative: Cancer productus Randall 1839 juvenile

Balanus nubilus Darwin 1854


Tripoplax trifida (Carpenter, 1864) (larger of two)
Mopalia cf. kennerleyi Carpenter 1864 (under investigation and am not at all sure yet)


This is a juvenile Diodora aspera, confirmed by sequencing (de2939)

Henricia sp. (under investigation)

Mopalia cf. imporcata Carpenter 1864 (under investigation)

Lepidozona cf. mertensii (Middendorff 1847) (1 of 11 collected)
Mopalia cf. kennerleyi Carpenter 1864 (under investigation)

Henricia sp. (and next five images; under investigation)
note commensal polychaete



Crossaster papposus (Linnaeus 1767)
Cancer productus Randall 1839

Henricia spp.

Evasterias troschelii (Stimpson 1862)
brown Irish lord, Hemilepidotus spinosus Ayres 1854, and sunflower star, Pycnopodia helianthoides (Brandt 1835)


Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (A. Agassiz 1863)

Calyptraea fastigiata Gould 1846 (Calyptraeidae) and horned shrimp, Paracrangon echinata Dana 1852 (Crangonidae)

Fragile ruffled scaleworm Lepidonotus fragilis (Moore 1910) (formerly Harmothoe fragilis) is a commensal with at least nine species of starfish.

Fissurellidae: Cranopsis cucullata (Gould 1846) - also collected two C. multistriata (Dall 1914) of similar size but with more numerous ribs
- plus empty shells of: C. cucullata (n=1), C. multistriata (n=2), and Puncturella galeata (Gould 1846) (n=4); Also common was Diodora aspera (Rathke 1833)
Lepidozona retiporosa (Carpenter 1864)

Lepidozona retiporosa (Carpenter 1864) - this and the one in the last image were two of 10 collected

Tentative: Oregonia gracilis Dana 1851



Paracrangon echinata Dana 1852












