We drove through rain to and from sunny Abalone Cove: The Streak lives on.
Lots of mud and unstable cobbles
Ivan and Eric

Gulls were foraging
Good tide but rough conditions
Janelle and Oscar

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Exposed mid zone dominated by Mytilus californianus and Pollicipes polymerus. Lower we saw Anthopleura xanthogrammica, which is rare in the intertidal of southern California.

Waves were intense
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The scaled wormsnail (Serpulorbis squamigerus) is very common suspension-feeding snail in the low zone.

Pagurus hirsutiusculus
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Lottia limatula, the file limpet, was the most common limpet on the sides and undersides of low zone rocks.

Cyanoplax hartwegii, Hartweg's chiton
Lepidozona pectinulata is common on the underside of rocks in the low zone
L. pectinulata has pronounced sculpturing on its valves (shell plates) and scales on its girdle

Field observations

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Anthopleura sola is the most abundant anemone in the low zone.
A. sola with the seastar, Pisaster ochraceus
Probably Lottia pelta ("southern") on the feather boa kelp, Egregia menziesii. Note how the limpet had a more typical L. pelta coloration when it was small and probably living on rocks. The black younger shell reflects its shift to the kelp habitat.

L. pelta ("southern")
L. pelta ("southern")
L. pelta ("southern") or L. insessa. The latter species is a specialist living only on E. menziesii. Dr. Eernisse's lab is studying these two species in California with molecular, morphological, field comparisons.

L. pelta ("southern" or L. insessa
The bat star, Patiria miniata
The ochre seastar, Pisaster ochraceus, with purple urchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus

Student Challenge: Can you identify this and the following brittle stars?
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Lottia limatula
Cyanoplax keepiana (Keep's chiton), which is variable in its color, is common under small rocks in the most protected (cliffside) tidepools
Until next week