When teachers teach evolution, they sometimes face challenges from the community or their students. As you view the "Teaching Evolution Case Studies: Dealing with Controversy" video, pay attention to the strategies the teachers and administrators use to address possible controversy around evolution. Think about:
| What strategies did the teachers use to address the challenges? |
| What did the principal feel was at stake in the controversy in Merrimack, New Hampshire? |
| What strategies, policies, and practices helped the Merrimack school district deal with the challenges to its curriculum and teachers? |
| How can schools distinguish between concerned parents and an organized political movement? |
| How could controversy over evolution affect the way biology is taught in schools? What other subjects might be affected similarly? |
Dealing with Controversy View in: QuickTime | Real Player |
Have you ever had to deal with a conflict over teaching evolution? If so, how have you handled it? If not, how would you have handled the situation if you were a Merrimack biology teacher or the biology teacher on the Merrimack School Board? Summarize your response.