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Online Course for Teachers: Teaching Evolution

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SESSION 7: How Can You Use Active Learning to Teach Evolution?

Elaborate Part B: Comparing Classroom Climates

Watch these brief Evolution Case Study video segments of each classroom.

Image of a group of students.  Image of Marilyn Havlik at a chalk board.

Research Question

View in:
QuickTime | Real Player

Havlik's Instructions
View in:
QuickTime | Real Player

Image of Marilyn Havlik's students engaged in discussion.  Image of Bonnie Chen

Havlik: Sickle Cell
View in:
QuickTime | Real Player

Making Beaks/Feeding
View in:
QuickTime | Real Player

Image of Bonnie Chen handing out materials to her class.  Image of a student engaged in conversation with Ken Bingman

Student Asking for Help
View in:
QuickTime | Real Player

Student Question
on Creationism

View in:
QuickTime | Real Player

Think about the following questions.


How would you describe the learning environment in these three classrooms?


What is the classroom climate like in terms of respect, asking questions, taking risks, learning from mistakes, etc.?


What characteristics do these students demonstrate to show their ability to work together?


How does the classroom environment contribute to this interaction?


What is the balance of individual and team learning?


How do students use resources?


What is the teacher's role in relation to students?

Based on these examples and your own experience, what does it take to develop a respectful, productive learning environment? Describe some initial steps you would take to do this.


Next: Evaluate Part A: The Overall Learning Experience


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