SESSION 4: What Are the Processes for Evolution? |
Resources for SESSION 4 |
Resources marked with an * are designed to help you teach this topic in your classroom. |
Teacher's Guide |
Unit 4: How Does Evolution Work?* (pdf) |
Lessons for Students |
Lesson 4: How Does Evolution Work?* |
Videos for Students |
How Does Evolution Really Work?* |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
Web Activities |
Life's Grand Design |
The Advantage of Sex |
Sex and the Single Guppy (Flash) | Low-Bandwidth Version |
An Origin of Species (Flash) | Low-Bandwidth Version |
Coral Reef Connections (Flash) | Low-Bandwidth Version |
Video Segments |
Evolution of the Eye |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
Genetic Toolkit |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
Evolution of Camouflage |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
A Mutation Story |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
Red Queen |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
Tale of the Peacock |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
Hummingbird Species in the Transitional Zone |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
Ancient Farmers of the Amazon |
View in: QuickTime | RealPlayer |
TV Series |
Show 2: Great Transformations |
Show 4: Evolutionary Arms Race |
Show 5: Why Sex? |
Other Library Resources |
Walter Gehring: Master Control Genes and the Evolution of the Eye |
Mimicry: The Orchid and the Bee |
How the Woodpecker Avoids a Headache |
Evolution of the Dog |
Corn Oil Graph |
Genetic Drift and the Founder Effect |
Isolating Mechanisms (Flash) |
Natural Selection in Real Time |
Grants' Finch Study |
Convergence: Marsupials and Placentals (pdf) |
Convergent Evolution |
E. O. Wilson: The World of Microbes: |
Listen with: QuickTime | RealPlayer
External Web Links |
Lund Vision Group Web site
Interesting Web site that links to current research on eye evolution. |
Creation/Evolution Web site
Presents creationist argument and scientists' answers about evolution of the eye. |
Planet Ocean: Blue Whale
Discovery School Web site students about the adaptations of blue whales. |
Contrivances: Orchids and the Panda's Thumb
Includes a mini-lesson on adaptations, imperfections, and contrivances. |
Palomar College tutorial on mutations and synthetic theory. |
Natural Selection
Palomar College tutorial on the heredity of sickle cell anemia. |
Palomar College tutorial on recombination and synthetic theory. |
Small Population Effects
Palomar College tutorial on small population effects and synthetic theory. |
Talk.Origins Archive
The Talk.Origins Archive of the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins. |
Are Mutations Harmful?
Questions, answers, and links to articles on evolution and mutations. |
University College London Department of Biology Web site
Explanation of reproductive isolation and isolating mechanisms. |
Studying Living Organisms
Australian mammals and speciation activity. |
Island Biogeography and Evolution: Solving a Phylogenetic Puzzle with Molecular Genetics
Activity on island biogeography and evolution. |
Evolution and the Nature of Science Institutes
Lessons on evolution. |
Books |
Benz, Richard. Ecology and Evolution: Islands of Change. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press, 2000. |
Boyd, Robert, and Joan Silk. How Humans Evolved. 2d ed. New York City: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 2000. |
Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker. New York City: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1996. |
Dawkins, Richard. Climbing Mount Improbable. New York City: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1996. |
Forsyth, Adrian. A Natural History of Sex: The Ecology and Evolution of Mating Behavior. Shelburne, VT: Chapters Publishing Ltd., 1993. |
Freeman, Scott, and Jon Herron. Evolutionary Analysis. 2d ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. |
Futuyma, Douglas. Evolutionary Biology. 3d ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc., 1998. |
Perlman, Dan, and Glenn Adelson. Biodiversity: Exploring Values and Priorities in Conservation. Malden, MA: Blackwell Science, 1997. |
Quammen, David. The Song of the Dodo. New York City: Touchstone, 1996. |
Ridley, Matt. The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature. New York City: Penguin Books, 1993. |
Weiner, Jonathan. The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time. New York City: Vintage Books, Random House, Inc., 1995. |
Wilson, Edward O. The Diversity of Life--College Edition. New York City: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1992. |
Zihlman, Adrienne. The Human Evolution Coloring Book. 2d ed. New York City: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 2000. |
Articles |
Grant, Peter. "Natural Selection and Darwin's Finches." Scientific American (October 1991): 82-86. |
Videos |
Scientific American Frontiers, Life's Really Big Questions. December 2000. |
David Attenborough, In Paradise. 1996. (Depicts Wallace's work in the Malay Archipelago on sexual selection in birds). |
What Darwin Never Saw (Grants' finch research in Galapagos; available from Kurtis Productions, 1-312-951-5700). |
Wilson, E.O, and D. L. Perlman. Conserving Earth's Biodiversity. Washington, DC: Island Press. 2000. |
Software |
The Blind Watchmaker v. 1.2 |