Within each session, you'll see links to a rich variety of multimedia resources, including:
Evolution Web Site Includes simulations, interactive timelines, provocations and polls, forums, illustrated essays, FAQs, and Evolution Library resources, including videos, graphics, interviews, articles, documents, and annotated Web links
Evolution Television Series |
| Darwin's Dangerous Idea |
| Great Transformations |
| Extinction! |
| The Evolutionary Arms Race |
| Why Sex? |
| The Mind's Big Bang |
| What About God? |
Videos for Students: Evolving Ideas |
| Isn't Evolution Just a Theory? |
| Who Was Charles Darwin? |
| How Do We Know Evolution Happens? |
| How Does Evolution Really Work? |
| Did Humans Evolve? |
| Why Does Evolution Matter Now? |
| Why Is Evolution Controversial Anyway? |
Videos for Teachers: Teaching Evolution Case Studies |
| Ken Bingman |
| Marilyn Havlik |
| Bonnie Chen |
| Dealing with Controversy |
Required videos are available online, but are also available for purchase. To place an order, for more information, or to request a free catalogue, please call WGBH Boston Video at 1-800-949-8670.
In each session, you'll also find: |
| Core activities identified by a for people with limited time to take the course. |
| Linked glossary terms with definitions of important concepts about evolution. |
| Resources, including relevant Evolution project resources, external Web links, books and videos. |
| Facilitator Notes with suggestions for facilitators who will be conducting the course online or in face-to-face situations |