White C, Selcoe KA, Watson J, Siegel DA, , Zacherl DC and Toonen RJ. (2010) Ocean currents help explain population genetic structure. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 1685-1694. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.2214) pdf
Polson M and DC Zacherl. (2009) Geographic distribution and intertidal population status for the Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida Carpenter 1864, from Alaska to Baja. Journal of Shellfish Research 28: 69-78. pdf
Polson M, Hewson WE, Eernisse DJ, Baker PK and DC Zacherl. (2009) You say conchaphila, I say lurida: Molecular evidence for restricting the Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida Carpenter 1864) to temperate western North America. Journal of Shellfish Research 28: 11-22. pdf
Seale E and DC Zacherl. (2009) Seasonal settlement of Olympia oyster larvae, Ostrea lurida Carpenter 1864, and its relationship to seawater temperature in two southern California estuaries. Journal of Shellfish Research 28: 113-120. pdf
Zacherl DC, Morgan SG, Swearer SE, Warner RR. (2009) A shell of its former self. Can Ostrea lurida Carpenter 1864 larval shells reveal information about a recruit's birth location? Journal of Shellfish Research 28: 23-32. pdf
Lloyd DC, Zacherl DC, Paradis G, Sheehy M, and RR Warner. (2008) Egg source, temperature and culture seawater affect elemental signatures in Kelletia kelletii larval statoliths. Marine Ecology Progress Series 353: 115-130. pdf
Thorrold S, Zacherl DC, and L Levin. (2007) Quantifying population connectivity via larval dispersal in benthic marine populations using geochemical signatures in calcified structures. Oceanography 20 (3) 32-41.pdf
Zacherl DC. (2007) Measurement of Dispersal In: Encyclopedia of Tide Pools, MW Denny, SD Gaines, eds. Pp. 183-186. pdf
Zacherl DC. (2005) Spatial and temporal variation in statolith and protoconch trace elements as natural tags to track larval dispersal. Marine Ecology Progress Series 290: 145-163. pdf
Zacherl DC, Manríquez PH, Paradis G, Day RW, Castilla JC, Warner RR, Lea DW, Gaines SG. (2003) Trace elemental fingerprinting of gastropod statoliths to study larval dispersal trajectories. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 248: 297-303. pdf
Zacherl DC, Paradis G, Lea DW. (2003) Barium and strontium uptake in larval protoconch and statolith of the marine neogastropod Kelletia kelletii. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67: 4091-4099. pdf
Zacherl DC, Gaines S, Lonhart S. (2003) The limits to biogeographical distributions: Insights from the northward range extension of the marine snail, Kelletia kelletii (Forbes, 1852) Journal of Biogeography 30:913-924. pdf
Manuscripts in preparation (Bold indicates student first author)
Walker KM, Kelley S, Romero M, Hoese WJ and DC Zacherl (in preparation for Marine Ecology Progress Series) Diel vertical migration of marine gastropod Kelletia kelletii larvae.
Koch SE, Kinlan B, Paradis GL, Warner RR, and DC Zacherl (in preparation for Ecological Applications) Geospatial statistics strengthen use of statoliths as natural tags to estimate population connectivity across a species range
Koch SE, Kinlan B, Paradis GL, Warner RR, and DC Zacherl (in preparation for Limnology and Oceanography) Immigration in the ocean: statoliths as larval passports.