Notes for Chapter 31:
Support, Protection, and Movement
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Please note: Contrary to notes previously posted
here, I will partly cover some concepts related to
support and locomotion on 9/5, in addition to
introducing Ch. 7. Sorry for the confusion.
For now, study the lecture notes below and
continue studying Ch. 7, or move
ahead to Ch. 8.
We will cover a combination of Chs. 7 and 8 on 9/10.
Chapter 31 Assignment:
Ch. 31: 642-647, 650-653; RQ31:
Introduction: Of Grasshoppers and
Featured Animal:
For an excellent explanation of why ants could not even walk IF they were as large as humans, let alone lift more than their body weight (as they do routinely), see this Flying Turtle webpage
Notes for Lecture on Locomotion and Support:
- Metazoans all depend on a skeleton
- Particularly important for locomotion
- Also used for withstanding elements
dramatic size increase
single- to multicellular
directed movement
Evolution of mutual systems
locomotion and support
Four locomotory patterns
Most animals live in water
move through water
or move water over body
Face problems of fluid dynamics
solid body with surrounding liquid
The size of an animal can dramatically affect its locomotion
in water
The same is true for flying animals moving through air
Reynolds Number (Re)
dimensionless ratio: inertial forces/viscous forces
more precise formula:
((body size)(fluid speed))/(kinematic viscosity)Engineers worrying about problems of waterflow tend to use
Reynolds Number as well.
figures illustrating how turbulent flow (y axis is drag) changes from
Re = 0.1 to 1,000,000 (x axis)
Lots of fun illustrations here
See factors affecting how krill (euphausids) swim here
Useful for characterizing organism's life:
size: small <-> large
Re: low <-> high
fluid viscosity: high <-> low
inertia: low <-> high
currents: laminar <-> turbulent
Animals swimming through water behave differently:
Large "nekton" (inertial forces dominate)
Large whale (v = 10 m/sec)
Re = 300,000,000
Tuna (v = 10 m/sec)
Re = 30,000,000- viscosity unimportant
- inertia carries animal forward
- flow of water becomes turbulent
Small "plankton" (viscosity dominates)
Copepod (v = 20 cm/sec)
Re = 300
Typical metazoan larva (v = 1 mm/sec)
Re = 0.3
Sperm (v = 0.2 mm/sec)
Re = 0.03- inertia/turbulence nonexistent
- like swimming through liquid tar
- start/stop instantaneously
Scale effects in terrestrial animals
- surface increases as square while
- volume increases as cube
- big animals require greaterrespiration
thermal regulation (cooling off)
support from legs (fig. 31-10, p. 652)
- muscles of small and large animals
same force per x-sectional area
grasshopper carries 50x its weight
leap many times their height
horse could not carry its own weight
chipmunks run in crouched posture
elephants need their legs underneath
largest dinosaurs had fat legs
Ameboid locomotion
- many protists
- internal ameboid cells
Gel-like ectoplasm
surrounded by more fluid endoplasm
pseudopodia develop
endoplasm flows in
becomes semi-rigid ectoplasm at tip
involves actin/myosin/ATP
similar to muscle contraction
Cilia and flagella
- ultrastructure identical
- cilia short and in clusters
- flagella long and single or paired
- found in all animals except arthropods
- can move animal through water
- or move water over animal
- but always at low Re
Fluid (hydrostatic) skeleton
- most widespread type
- fluid is sealed within tissues
- tissues can also be used for skeletons
- total volume must remain constant
- reduction in one region causes a compensatory enlargement
- usually two or more layers of muscles at different orientations
Rigid skeleton
- complement/replace fluid skeletons
- durable, strong, fossilize easily
- exoskeletons - secreted by ectoderm
- endoskeletons - secreted by mesoderm
- can be entirely organic -
chitin is a tough polysaccharide (can be cross-linked with proteins)
- others mineralized
calcium carbonate - molluscs, etc.
calcium phosphate - vertebrates
Rigid skeleton (limbs)
- muscles act against skeleton
- this action converted to movement
- restretched by antagonistic forces
- others use elastic structures
- most muscles have discrete origin, e.g., biceps - on scapula
- most muscles have an insertion, e.g., biceps - on radiusflexors and extensors: extend across joint
protractors and retractors: ant./post. movement of limb
adductors and abductors: part moved toward/away- other muscles interlaced, e.g., snail foot, gut wall muscles
- some muscles "quick,"e.g., rapid shell closing in clams
- others "catch," e.g., used for holding shell closed
I. Integument among Various Groups of Animals
Key Terms:
II. Skeletal Systems (in part)
Key Terms:
III. Animal Movement (in part)
Key Terms:
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This page created 8/26/01 © D.J. Eernisse, Last Modified 8/27/01, Links Last Completely Checked 8/26/01