Notes for Chapter 7:
The Reproductive Process

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Chapter 7 Assignment:

Ch. 7: 135-144; RQ7: 1-4, 6-7, 9

Here is link to Animated Urchin Fertilization and Development Processes demonstrated in lecture.

Introduction: Omne vivum ex ovo

source of image
     Featured Scientist: William Harvey

          Links: 1 - 2 - 3

I. Nature of the Reproductive Process

Key Terms: asexual vs. sexual reproduction

a) Asexual Reproduction

Key Terms: clones, binary fission vs. budding vs. gemmulation vs. fragmentation, asexual (ameiotic) parthenogenesis (see p. 139)

b) Sexual Reproduction

Key Terms: germ cells (gametes), ovum (egg) vs. sperm, meiosis, haploid vs. diploid, fertilization, zygote, bisexual (biparental) reproduction, separate sexes (= dioecious or gonochoric) vs. simultaneous hermaphrodites (monoecious) or sequential hermaphrodites, sexual (meiotic) parthenogenesis (see p. 139), gonads (testis or ovary), primary (gonads) vs. accessory (penis, vagina, uterine tubes, uterus) sex organs, haplodiploidy (found in ants, bees, and wasps)

c) Why do so many animals reproduce sexual, not asexually?

Key Terms: "cost of meiosis"

Featured Animal: American whiptail lizards

source of image

Links: 1 - 2 - 3 -4 - 5


II. The Origin and Maturation of Germ Cells

Key Terms: somatic vs. germ cells, primordial germ cells, gametogenesis

a) Migration of germ cells (skip)

b) Sex determination (skim)

Key Terms: SRY (human sex-determining region of Y chromosome) vs. SRVX (sex-reversing region of X chromosome)

c) Gametogenesis (mostly contrast Figs. 7-8 and 7-10, why does an oogonium
   only produce 1 ootid whereas a spermatogonium produces 4 spermatids?)

Key Terms: spermatogenesis vs. oogenesis, spermatogonium vs. oogonium, spermatid vs. ootid, sperm vs. ovum, acrosome, polar body

III. Reproductive Patterns

Key Terms: oviparous vs. ovoviviparous vs. viviparous

IV. Plan of Reproductive Systems (skip)

VI. EndocrineEvents That Orcestrate Reproduction (skip)


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This page created 8/26/01 © D.J. Eernisse, Last Modified 9/10/01, Links Last Completely Checked 9/10/01