The poster may be constructed in any manner you wish, however try not to make it too unwieldy (difficult to carry or display). It would also be inappropriate to make it too small such as by using standard bond paper. Any images may be used, but if they are copyrighted materials you must indicate the source to me in the accompanying paper. Slogans may be original or familiar ones used in an unusual context. If you quote material, it must be in quotations marks. The poster portion will be graded on its appropriateness and effectiveness for the target audience, the aesthetics (it is not sloppily done, words are spelled correctly, easily read etc), and the originality of the idea. Note: I will also accept, in lieu of the poster, a short video such as would be appropriate for a commercial segment on TV or in a movie theatre.

The accompanying paper is designed to explain the poster to me. You must indicate the target audience and explain the rationale of what you were trying to do. This is not a research paper. It is a document meant to clarify your objectives and to convince me that what you created meets these objectives. It should be no longer than 2 typewritten pages.

Since this is a group project, it is important that each member of the group see, review, contribute to, and understand any work done by other members. Make certain that you establish reasonable deadlines so that you can make sure that everyone is doing their part. You should have phone numbers or e-mail addresses so that every member can be contacted. You will get an opportunity to evaluate the contributions of each member (including yourself) and the points that they will receive will depend on these peer evaluations. If each student did equivalent work, that is all that you will need to indicate.

Since there is much objectivity involved in grading this assignment, I will also solicit peer evaluations and comments from the class during the oral/visual presentations at the period prior to the final exam.