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Online Course for Teachers: Teaching Evolution

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About the Online Course for Teachers

Facilitator's Guide: Class Size & Expectations

Recommended size of class


Set an upper limit 20-30 students for asynchronous implementation


Create discussion groups of 5 to 6 students each for synchronous (real time) and asynchronous interactions

Online Course Expectations for Participants
Clarify your expectations for participants and send the list to participants in advance. The expectations may include:


Regular access to a computer and the Internet


Commitment to the time required per session and to the time line for 8-session course e.g., one session per week or per two weeks


Ability and willingness to manage time effectively


Need to be self-motivated and take responsibility for being on-task and on-time


Willingness to share expertise and experiences with other participants


Respectfulness in interactions with facilitator and other participants (online "netiquette")


Active participation in coursework with requirements:

Number of course assignments online and offline

Review of readings and thoughtful reflections

Minimum number of postings per week; contributions to class discussions


Next: Community Building & Discussions

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