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Welcome to our lab

Immunoglobulin molecule
Our research aims to elucidate how protein functional divergence alters the way organisms, cells, and cellular systems cope with changes and challenges, adapt to their environments, survive, and thrive.

our research philosophy

"Contrary to what is often imagined, biology is not a unified science. At the extremes are two great tendencies, two attitudes in fundamental opposition.  The first may be called integrationist. The opposing attitude may be called tomist or reductionist.
The method of decoding originates in the combinative system (combinatoire: the totality of possible combinations  with a given set of elements) which constitutes the essential tool of scientific research. To establish an alphabet of thought complexity must be reduced to the simplicity of its component units. " 

- F. Jacobs (in The Logic of Life: A History of Heredity, 1973)