Giving to the Neurobiology Research Fund at CSUF


Students at CSUF greatly benefit from having research experience as an undergraduate. Your financial help will ensure that many under-represented, under-served, minority students from the Biological Science department and beyond will be afforded the opportunity to be mentored by faculty members, and gain research skills prior to their graduation.

Research educates!  Research improves lives!


The weblink above allows you to contribute directly to the CSUF Neurobiology Research Fund.

To give to CSUF Neurobiology Research Fund Account 70180, please use this link: Giving to CSUF

If you are on CSUF’s main Giving website, you may “Search for a Fund” and follow the instruction below

  1. 1.Enter Neurobiology Research or

  2. 2.Enter the Fund Account, 70180

To learn more about current research projects supported by the fund, please click on this link: Cuajungco Lab Research.