Notes for Understanding Evolution - Chapter 4

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Notes for Chapter 4: Mutation


Featured Scientist: Godfrey H. Hardy

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Links: 1 - 2

See here for a timeline of important advances in genetics

I. Causes of Mutation

RQUE4.1: What is the distinction between mutation and the sorts of variation introduced by meiosis?

RQUE4.2: What particular class of mutations are more likely to affect an unborn son than an unborn daughter when mutagens act on a mother?

Key Terms: mutation

II. Chemical Nature of the Gene

RQUE4.3: Why do T's attract A's, and G's attract C's (in DNA)?

III. Self-Copying (Replication) of DNA Molecule

RQUE4.4: Why is neither new strand produced by DNA replication "ancestral" to the other?

IV. Molecular Mechanism of Spontaneous Mutation

RQUE4.5: How does a base pair substitution occur?

V. Language of Life

RQUE4.6: How is the RIPE -> ROPE word change analogy in the text (p. 45) like the case of DNA mutations? How is this example unlike DNA mutations?

VI. Transcription of DNA

RQUE4.7: Can you articulate the difference between DNA replication, transcription, and translation?

VII. Frequency of Mutations in Human Disorders

RQUE4.8: Why are large genes more likely than small genes to experience a mutation in any particular generation?

RQUE4.9: If only as low as one in 1,000,000 human gametes per generation on average experience a mutation in a particular gene, why is it also true that, on average, all human offspring contain at least one newly mutated gene that is potentially harmful?

VIII. Evolutionary Consequences of Mutations

RQUE4.10: Why are even "harmful" mutations potentially adaptive if the resulting allele happens to be preserved in the population?

IX. Chromosomal Aberrations and Pregnancy Loss

RQUE4.11: As opposed to base pair substitutions, mutations involving chromosomal abnormalities would appear to be much more severe. Why, then, is this such an important type of mutation?

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