Notes for Understanding Evolution - Chapter 5
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Notes for Chapter 5: Genetic Equilibrium
I. Mendelian Inheritance
II. Random Mating
RQUE5.1: Under assumptions of random mating, why is it that genotype frequencies tend to remain about constant?
III. Gene Frequencies
RQUE5.2: If there is little difference in the fitness of rare vs. common alleles, why do rare alleles tend to persist through time?
IV. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Links: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Teachers: Check out these lessons on genetics and evolution
RQUE5.3: Estimate the expected frequency of genotype Aa if the allele frequency of A = 0.3 and a = 0.7. Would it be unexpected to have a case like this where a dominant allele less common than a recessive one?
V. Estimating the Frequency of Heterozygotes
RQUE5.4: How common are rare recessive abnormal alleles, for example, in human populations?
VI. Implications
RQUE5.5: If Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium theory describes conditions under which populations do not evolve, why is this theory still important to understanding how populations might evolve?
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This page created 8/16/01 © D.J. Eernisse, Last Modified 2/18/03, Links Last Completely Checked 2/12/03