1. Department of Fish and Game, Seasons, Bag limits, and Regulations: www.dfg.ca.gov/
2. Emerald Chines Seafood Restaurant: www.sdinsider.com/auto_docs/dining/16977.html
3. Eschmeyer, W.N., Hammann H., and Herald E.S. 1983. Pacific Coast Fishes. Houghton Mifflin Company. pg.237. P.30
4. Hummann P. Coastal Fishes Identification California to Alaska. New World Publications Inc., 1996.150-1.
5. International Underwater Spearfishing Association: Fish Information: www.freediver.net/iusa/fish/fish_sheephead.htm
7. Jackson J.B.C. et. Al. Historical Overfishing and the Recent Collapse of Coastal Ecosystems. Science 2001. 293. 630-1.
8. Reish, D.J. 1972. Marine Life of Southern California Emphasizing Marine Life of Los Angeles-Orange Counties. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt. pg.160.
9. Sex-change fish: (AOL) http://earthsky.com/2001/es010125.htm