Unit 2 Review Fall 2000

Following pages and RQs refer to 11th Edition.

Ch. 15 ("pseudocoelomates"): 304-317, 320-323; RQ-15: 1-6, 11-14, 20

Ch. 16 (Molluscs): All; RQ-16: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13

Ch. 17 (Annelids): 356-364, 371-374; RQ-17: 1, 5-6, 8, 12

Ch. 18 (Arthropods) (All); RQ-18: 1-6, 9

Ch. 19 (Arthropods): 389-399, 406-409; RQ-19: 1, 4-9

Ch. 20 (Arthropods): 411-427, 432-437; RQ-20: 1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 18

Ch. 32: reference for lecture on support and locomotion

Here are corresponding pages in 10th Edition.

(10th - Ch. 16 ("pseudocoelomates"): 301-313, 317-319; RQ-16: 1-6, 11-14, 20*, hand-out xerox of 11th Ed. p. 320)

*different RQ#20: If rotifers and gastrotrichs are lophotrochozoans and nematodes, nematomorphs, priapulids, and kinorhynchs are ecdysozoans, what is the effect on a taxon called Aschelminthes? Why?)

(10th - Ch. 17 (Molluscs): All; RQ-17: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13)

(10th - Ch. 18 (Annelids): 350-357, 366-368; RQ-18: 1, 5-6, 8, 12)

(10th - Ch. 19 (Arthropods) (All); RQ-19: 1-6, 9)

(10th - Ch. 20 (Arthropods): 383-392, 399-403; RQ-20: 1, 4-9)

(10th - Ch. 21 (Arthropods): 404-421, 426-429; RQ-21: 1-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 18)

(10th - Ch. 32: reference for lecture on support and locomotion)


Notes for Pseudocoelomate Lecture:


pseudocoelom (from embryonic blastocoel)


cuticle (often made of chitin)


eutely (nuclear constancy)


two views of bilaterian ancestor

pseudocoelomates are polyphyletic

common traits of tiny animals

alternate asexual/sexual reproduction in rotifers


1. Minute animals

2. Copulate

3. Eutely (cell or nuclear constancy)

4. Body does not divide asexually

5. Little or no regeneration

6. Presence of anus (some reduced)

7. body cavity modified

(pseudocoelom with more or less

fluid depending on whether or not

there is eversible organ present)

Pseudocoelomate phyla:

Priapulida (actually quite large worms)

Kinorhyncha (kinorhynchs)

Loricifera (loriciferans, only discovered in 1970s)

Gastrotricha (gastrotrichs)

Nematoda (some of parasitic members get very large)

Nematomorpha (horsehair worms)

Rotifera (rotifers)

Acanthocephala (these are probably a derived type of rotifer)

Tardigrada (water bears)

We will emphasize rotifers and nematodes

Nematoda (nematodes)

Enormous number of species

- Ranks 3rd after arthropods and molluscs (number of described species)

- Probably should be 1st (Not enough nematode taxonomists)

Every conceivable habitat on Earth

- Enormous numbers

- Many are free-living

- Also important animal/plant parasites

- Parasites resemble flatworms in adaptations

Extremely important as model system - C. elegans ("the worm") is nematode lab rat


- feed with ciliated crown, the corona

- "chew" with mastax

- hang on with pedal glands

- about 1,800 species, mostly in freshwater

- show nuclear constancy (eutely)

- can often endure prolonged desiccation

- "just add water" for resumed activity

- usually large females and small males

- the bdelloids have only females

- these females are parthenogens (asexual)

- the monogononts alternate between asexual and sexual reproduction (Fig. 15-4)

- haploid egg + sperm = dormant zygote


Mollusca ("molluscs" or "mollusks")




mantle cavity



coiling vs. torsion


Classification based on Fig. 16-42 (10th- 17-42)

Mollusca (> 100,000 species - esp. snails) **Caudofoveata (burrowers) **Solenogasters (cnidarian-feeders) **Testaria (shelled molluscs) ****Polyplacophora (chitons) ****Conchifera (discrete shell gland; includes snails, squids, clams, etc.)

Note: Testaria and Conchifera are not labeled in Fig. 16-42 (10th: 17-42) - Can you find them?

Common molluscan features (none in all)

- radula

- muscular creeping foot

- visceral mass (gut, blood, gonads)

- mantle

- shell

- mantle cavity

- ctenidia (gills)

- trochophore larva

- spiral cleavage

- coelomic heart cavity

- hemocyanin blood pigments

"aplacophorans" (did not cover in lecture)

- mostly in deep sea and poorly known

- lack shell but have spicules in mantle, like a chiton

- with or without foot groove

- with or without gill (ctenidium)

- have radula (secondarily lost in some)

- little evidence of serial repetition


- eight shell plates

- repeated gills, shell muscles

- creeping foot

- radula like a limpet/monoplacophoran

- teeth mineralized with magnetite (iron)

- many sensory organs in shells and girdle

- serial repetition (ancestral or derived?)

conchiferans (all molluscs except chitons and aplacophorans)

- single shell, discrete shell gland

- periostracum

- prismatic and nacreous shell layers

- mantle margin with three folds

- crystalline style

- no spicules in mantle

- some have serial repetition (monoplacophorans, Nautilus)

Molluscs and Humans

1. Positive aspects

- Food (e.g., oyster farm produces 20 times meat/acre as a cattle farm)

- Rich cultural history, inspirations in art

- Currency (NW Native Americans used scaphopods - "wompom")

2. Negative aspects

- Introduced pests


carnivorous snails in Pacific islands

Corbicula - a clam introduced "for fish bait" from Asia, clogs dams

zebra mussel - larvae transported in bilge water to Great Lakes - huge ecological and financial impact

- Bankia - bivalve "shipworm" bores into wood, tremendous destruction

- Schistosomiasis flatworm parasite uses snails for intermediate host - widespread in tropical areas with primitive sewage treatment

- venomous - snail Conus and blue-ringed octopus can be deadly

Gastropods (snails, slugs: >> 50,000 species)

"prosobranchs" are all snails except the

clade of opisthobranchs + pulmonates

About half of all snail species

Includes, limpets, abalones, keyholes,

diverse marine snails including trochaceans, neogastropods

Opisthobranchs -diverse but few species

-shell internal or absent

-includes Aplysia, nudibranchs

Pulmonates -half of all snail species -

-lungs instead of gills

-lining of mantle cavity takes over

-coincide with invasion of land

Evolutionary Trends in Gastropod Gills: (see Fig. 16-17; 10th: 17-17)


two gills (abalone, key hole limpets)

reduce right gill

loss of right gill (limpets)

monopectinate gill fused to mantle

opisthobranchs -secondary gill

pulmonates - lungs

Gastropod Features:

1. Torsion - important synapomorphy (does not = coiling)

upper part is twisted nearly 180¡ from lower part (See Fig. 16-13; 10th: 17-13)

mantle cavity moves from back to front


- helps larval "veliger" pull its head inside its shell (Walter Garstang)

- helps the adult carry weight of shell

2. Coiling

snails protect themselves:

clamping, withdrawing, locomotion

coiling helps a high uncoiled shell would be hard to carry - high center of gravity, frontal cross-section great

shell is usually tilted (See Fig. 16-14; 10th: 17-14)

most shells coil to right (dextral)

some coil to left (sinistral)

Parameters of coiling - see p. 334 (10th-329):

amount of translation (T)

- isotrophic (T = 0) [planispiral]

- orthostrophic (T is negative)

- hyperstrophic (T is positive)

whorl expansion rate (W)

- long pointed shells (W is low)

- broad shells (W is high)

distance from axis of coiling (D)

- hollow center as D increases

Of possible combinations of T, W, D snail examples for many but not all


have large head like their snail relatives

all predators

use muscles, not cilia, for locomotion (siphon)

synapomorphy is siphuncle, but this is lost as shell is internalized, reduced

Nautilus -> Spirula -> Sepia -> Loligo

Nautilus has eyes like pinhole cameras

Squids have much more complex eyes (direct, not indirect as in vertebrates)


Annelid Lecture notes:

Annelida (about 15,000 species) - "many little rings"

Most diverse are polychaete annelids - "many setae"

These include all annelids except "clitellate" annelids

Clitellates have a clitellum used in reproduction

Clitellates include earthworms and leeches

See cladogram on p. 372 (366 in 10th)

Note that the clitellum is a synapomorphy uniting earthworms and leeches (Clitellata)

Polychaetes are diverse, mostly marine, annelids

Two ways to characterize polychaete diversity:

1) crawlers vs. burrowers vs. tube-builders

Example of crawler: Nereis - Fig. 17-3, 17-7 (10th - 18-3, 18-7)

crawlers use setae on ventral parapodia (lateral lobes) neuropodia

setae supported by acicula (rods)

paired coeloms in each segment acts as hydrostatic skeleton

coeloms separated by mesentery tissue (Fig. 17.1)

surrounded by longitudinal and circular muscles

dorsal parapodia are used as gills (notopodia)

"head" is made up of two parts: -prostomium (eyes, brain, sensory palps)

-peristomium (jaws, surrounds mouth)

2) Burrowers emphasize hydrostatic skeleton

Examples: Amphitrite (Fig. 17-4; 10th: 18-4), Arenicola (17-5; 10th: 18-5), earthworm (17-12; 31-5 on p. 647; 10th: 18-12, 32-4 p. 634)

3) Tube-builders live in blind tube (a sanitation problem for a bilateral animal)

Usually feed with tentacles (see fig. 17-2, 17-10; 10th - 18-2, 18-10)

Another way to contrast polychaetes:

1) macrofeeders (e.g., Nereis feeds on worms)

2) tentaculate detritus feeders

Example: Amphitrite

tentacles u-shaped in cross-section (Fig. 17-4a-d; 10th - 18-4a-d)

cilia in food groove bring particles to animal

cilia outside of groove move tentacle away

3) tentaculate suspension feeders

Example: Sabella (Fig. 17-10; 10th-18-10)


Review Questions for Arthropods (Chs. 18-20; 10th: Chs. 19-21):

What are important distinguishing features of arthropods? (RQ 18: 1; 10th: 19-1)

What are important differences in the body plans of the following main groups of arthropods?





What appendages are characteristic of each of the above?

Contrast an arthropod with an annelid?



Contrast segmentation in an annelid and an arthropod.

What is tagmatization?

What are the tagmata and the appendages on the head of a crustacean?

What is serial homology?

How is an arthropod exoskeleton formed?

The cuticle is made up of what layers?

Describe the molting process.

What is the role of ecdysone?

What are the X- and Y-organs of a crayfish?

How does ecdysone interact with brain and juvenile hormones in insects?

Where are each of these produced?

Are you familiar with the underlined groups in the arthropod classification handout?

Specifically, are you familiar with the following taxa?



horseshoe crab




Remipedia (remipedes)

Cephalocarida (cephalocarids)

Branchiopoda (incl. brine shrimps)

Maxillopoda (incl. copepods and barnacles)

Malacostraca (incl. isopods and decapods)

bristletails, springtails (wingless insects)

mayflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, etc. (hemimetabolous winged insects)

beetles, flies, butterflies and moths, ants bees and wasps, etc. (holometabolous winged insects)

What is a hemocoel and which animals have one?

How is this different from a coelom?

How does a crayfish respire?

What is the function of antennal (green) glands in crustaceans?

Describe the components that make up a compound eye.

How does the compound eye adjust to varying light levels?

What groups of crustaceans have a nauplius?

What are some other crustacean larval stages?

What is caridoid facies?

What is an example of a myriapod?

What are Diplopodans and Chilopodans?

Describe the sensory receptors on insect antennae.

How does an insect walk?

Why do indirect flight muscles beat much more rapidly than direct flight muscles?

What are halteres?

Which arthropods have trachea?

Which insects have tracheal gills?

What are spiracles?

Contrast hemi- and holometabolous insects.

Give some examples of insect sensory organs and describe their function.

What were the main points made in the guest lecture on insects? (Monday before Exam 2)

According to new views of animal relationships based on ribosomal DNA sequence comparsons:

-Are arthropods members of Ecdysozoa or Lophotrochozoa?

-Are annelids members of Ecdysozoa or Lophotrochozoa?

-Are molluscs members of Ecdysozoa or Lophotrochozoa?

-Which "pseudocoelomate" groups are members of Ecdysozoa?

From an earlier lecture, what features do ecdysozoans share?

What are the closest living outgroups for arthropods?

Which groups (orders) of insects have the most species?

Why is there such a great diversity of insect species?

Lecture Notes Insects

Introduction to Insects

Terms for today

o homeotic genes (covered earlier in semester - see Figs. 8-16, 8-17; 10th- 7-17, 7-18)

o wingless vs. winged insects

o incomplete vs. complete metamorphosis

o hemimetabolous vs. holometabolous

o insect anatomy

o tracheae, tracheal gills, spiracles

o malpighian tubules, uric acid

o sensilla

o endo- vs. ectognathous mouthparts

Over 1 million species arthropods described

Mostly insects

Mostly beetles, flies, moths, wasps

Estimated 10 to 100 million undescribed

Why so many?

1) Long evolutionary history (540+ My)

2) broad size range/habitat utilization

3) metameric body plan/rigid exoskeleton

4) co-evolution with plants

5) evolution of flight

Insect Diversity

29 orders total

- 4 wingless (apterygotes) - examples: bristletails, springtails

- 16 hemimetabolous winged (exopterygotes) (incomplete metamorphosis)

examples: mayflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, stick insects, earwigs, roaches, termites, true bugs

- 9 holometabolous winged (endopterygotes) (complete metamorphosis)

examples: lacewings, fleas, beetles, flies, butterflies and moths, caddis flies, ants bees and wasps

Most insect species are holometabolous

Could have something to do with mixed life cycle: offspring are ecologically different from adults

Most insect biomass is from ants and termites:

Each represents about 10% of all animal biomass

Insect Anatomy (Head - Thorax - Abdomen)

Head - bears eyes (usually compound), antennae, mouthparts

Mouthparts - chewing (grasshoppers), sucking with stylet (bugs & aphids), sucking with coiled tongue (butterflies), etc.

Antennae - used to detect odors or as tactile organs

Thorax - 3 segments, with 3 prs. legs, winged insects normally have 2 pairs of wings

Legs - 6 legs (Hexapoda)

Each thoracic segment supports 1 pr.

Legs are segmented

Last segment often bears small claw

Some have legs specialized for jumping

Wings - probably arose once in common ancestor

Most insects have two pairs

Flies have 1 pr. (front pr. modified as halteres)

Most membranous - some leathery or hard

Sometimes wings bear hairs or scales

Direct vs. indirect flight muscles (see Fig. 20-12; 10th- 21-12)

Abdomen - 11 segments

Bears external genitalia (e.g., ovipositor)

Gas Exchange

Insect cuticle highly resistant to water loss

This presents challenge for gas exchange

Problem solved with tracheal system

Tracheae are highly-branched cuticular tubes

Open to outside through spiracles

Taper down from 1+ mm to 0.0001 mm

Can provide oxygen directly where it is needed

Aquatic insects have tracheal gills

Excretion/Water Balance

Insects/spiders have malpighian tubules

Potasium, other solutes, secreted into tubules

Secreted as uric acid

See Fig. 20-20 (wasp) (10th- 21-18)

Sense Organs

mechanical, auditory, chemical, visual, other

mechanoreception - sensilla

auditory - setae or tympanal organs

chemoreception - taste, smell

visual - simple or compound


Separate sexes attract each other

Internal fertilization - sperm or sperm packets

Females copulate 1 to many times

Eggs laid where some cue guides female

Most insects undergo change in form in life

Insect between each molt is instar

Metamorphosis can be incomplete or complete

Hemimetabolous insects: incomplete

egg -> nymphs -> adult

nymphs have external wing pads

Holometabolous insects: complete

egg -> larva -> pupa -> adult

wing pads internal in larvae

Hormones regulate metamorphosis (see pp. 425-426, 755; 10th- pp. 417-419, p. 743)

brain (intercerebral) -> brain hormone

prothoracic glands -> molting hormone (ecdysone)

corpora allata -> juvenile hormone (delays adulthood)

Lecture on Locomotion and Support

See Ch. 31 (10th-32) but some only in lecture notes


- Metazoans all depend on a skeleton

- Particularly important for locomotion


dramatic size increase

single- to multicellular

directed movement

Evolution of mutual systems

locomotion and support

Four locomotory patterns





Most animals live in water

move through water

or move water over body

Face problems of fluid dynamics

solid body with surrounding liquid

The size of an animal can dramatically affect its locomotion in water

Reynolds Number (Re)

dimensionless ratio:

inertial forces/viscous forces

(body size)(fluid speed)


(kinematic viscosity)

Useful for characterizing organismÕs life:

size: small <-> large

Re: low <-> high

fluid viscosity: high <-> low

inertia: low <-> high

currents: laminar <-> turbulent

Animals swimming through water behave differently:

Large "nekton" (inertial forces dominate)

Large whale (v = 10 m/sec)

Re = 300,000,000

Tuna (v = 10 m/sec)

Re = 30,000,000

- viscosity unimportant

- inertia carries animal forward

- flow of water becomes turbulent

Small "plankton" (viscosity dominates)

Copepod (v = 20 cm/sec)

Re = 300

Typical metazoan larva (v = 1 mm/sec)

Re = 0.3

Sperm (v = 0.2 mm/sec)

Re = 0.03

- inertia/turbulence nonexistent

- like swimming through liquid tar

- start/stop instantaneously

Scale effects in terrestrial animals

- surface increases as square while

volume increases as cube

- big animals require greater



thermal regulation (cooling off)

support from legs (fig. 31-10, p. 652; 10th- p. 32-8, p. 630)

- muscles of small and large animals

same force per x-sectional area

grasshopper carries 50x its weight

leap many times their height

horse could not carry its own weight

chipmunks run in crouched posture

elephants need their legs underneath

largest dinosaurs had fat legs

Ameboid locomotion

- many protists

- internal ameboid cells

Gel-like ectoplasm

surrounded by

more fluid endoplasm

pseudopodia develop

endoplasm flows in

becomes semi-rigid ectoplasm at tip

involves actin/myosin/ATP

similar to muscle contraction

Cilia and flagella (see Fig. 31-12, p. 654; 10th- 32-10, p. 641)

- ultrastructure identical

- cilia short and in clusters

- flagella long and single or paired

- found in all animals except arthropods

- can move animal through water

- or move water over animal

- but always at low Re

Fluid (hydrostatic) skeleton (see Fig. 31-5, 31-6; 10th- 32-4, 32-5)

- most widespread type

- fluid is sealed within tissues

- tissues can also be used for skeletons

- total volume must remain constant

- reduction in one region causes a

compensatory enlargement

- usually two or more layers of muscles

at different orientations

Rigid skeleton

- complement/replace fluid skeletons

- durable, strong, fossilize easily

- exoskeletons - secreted by ectoderm

- endoskeletons - secreted by mesoderm

- can be entirely organic -

chitin is a tough polysaccharide

can be cross-linked with proteins

- others mineralized

calcium carbonate - molluscs, etc.

calcium phosphate - vertebrates

Rigid skeleton (limbs)

- muscles act against skeleton

- this action converted to movement

- restretched by antagonistic forces

- others use elastic structures

- most muscles have discrete origin

e.g., biceps - on scapula

- most muscles have an insertion

e.g., biceps - on radius

flexors and extensors

extend across joint

protractors and retractors

ant./post. movement of limb

adductors and abductors

part moved toward/away

- other muscles interlaced

e.g., snail foot, gut wall muscles

- some muscles "quick"

e.g., rapid shell closing in clams

- others "catch"

e.g., used for holding shell closed

© D. J. Eernisse

These notes may not be reposted or used for any commercial purpose without the written permission of Prof. Eernisse (deernisse@fullerton.edu).